These are some of the public things I worked on or am still working from time to time.

URL “Shortener”


I made this a while ago when I was interested in learning Django. A cool thing about this is that the short URLs are generated by concatenating random Toki Pona words.


Backend Repository

Frontend Repository

It was supposed to be a web app where you write a letter, submit, and a random user would receive it when they open the app. From there they could respond and you would start a conversation. This was just a project so I could learn FastAPI, and I got bored after most of it was done and never got round to fixing UI bugs.

Friends Network


A scuffed social network I made also when I was learning Django. It was supposed to work like a forum where you can post things, comment and vote on threads and comments.

Closed Source Projects

I have also several projects I made for clients, including LLM integration into chatbots, Meta’s products integration, article writers, one Pinterest app.

I’m mostly interested in working with projects involving LLM, I guess.

Last updated: 2024-06-27 16:00:00 +0000